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Monday, 14 July 2008

Ask Father John Part 3: Know God, and You Will Know The Answer !

It is disheartening and disturbing to read Father John's answer to the question on whether suicide bombers go to 'paradise'. (See blog entries below.)

If Father John had considered the God's "personality" and God's "character", he would not give such an ambivalent reply.

After living with our earthly parents or spouse for a number of years, we will know how they act and react with certainty. For example, if the shopping mall is just 50 metres away, I know for sure, with 99.99% certainty, that my wife will walk there. My wife will not ride a bicycle or take a cab there.

When you have a personal relationship with God for many years, and when the Holy Spirit dwells in you to guide your heart-mind-conscience; and when you have been diligent seeking to know God better by attending Sunday School, learning from sermons, reading God's Word, you will know God enough to answer the question regarding suicide bombers.

God is Holy - Ex 15:11, God is good - Ps 102:26-27, God is compassionate - 1 Kings 8:23, God is Upright - Ps 25:8, God is righteous - Ps 116:5.

God's grace will not lead to, or condone, a sinner who kills tens, hundreds or thousands of innocent people. If there is a Hell, what is Hell for ? Hell will be empty if flagrant sinners go to Heaven.

If we believe in the Bible and believe there is Hell, and if we have a personal relationship with God as Abba-Father, then surely we will know with certainty whether suicide bombers go to Heaven or Hell.

I must qualify that we cannot be absolutely 100% certain. But 99.99% certainty is good enough.

There is no need to ask your priest 'whether suicide bombers go to 'paradise'. Read the Bible, and the Holy Spirit will illuminate your heart and mind to the truth.

Read the Word of God for answers.

God Bless.