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Thursday, 21 February 2008

Humans Before Adam and Eve

The following is postulated from the book "The Science of God" by Gerald Schroeder.

10 - 18 Billion years ago: Creation / Big Bang
4.5 billion years ago: Solar System / Earth
150,000 yrs ago: Neanderthal Hominids existed
50,000 yrs ago: Cro-Magnon Hominids existed
10,000 yrs ago: Farming and agriculture existed
8,000 yrs ago: Pottery existed
6,000 yrs ago: Adam and Eve (Neshama-Human) created
5,000 yrs ago: Bronze Age
4,000 yrs ago: Noah Flood
3,800 yrs ago: Abraham lived

While 'Hominid-Human' existed since the Neanderthal period, 'Neshama-Human' came into existence when God breathed His spirit into Adam and Eve. (Note: Neshama is the spirit of God)

Please read the book if you are interested to find out more.

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