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Friday, 4 January 2008

Mira asked, "Can non-Christians get to heaven? "

Can non-Christians get to heaven ?

I am always intrigued by this questions. Many of you have family members and friends who are non-Christians and we hope that they would be in heaven with us one day.

I was taught in bible studies to believe that non-Christians CANNOT go to heaven. John 14:6 "I am the Way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father, but through me."

This is what Jesus said ! The questions on everyone's mind were:
-How about the babies and young children who died without an opportunity to accept Christ?
-How about the patriarchs of olden times, of Abraham, of Moses, all the prophets, all the old Testament heroes and godly people? They do not know Christ. The idea of a Triune God only pop up in the New Testament times.
-How about the godly and holy Jews today, who love and serve God, but do not accept Christ?
-How about the wonderful people of other religions, the buddhists, the muslims, who live lives of humility, selflessness and servitude, but who do not accept Christ.

In recent years, I am aware that many Christian groups adopt the idea that Christ is not the only way. Non-Christians can get to heaven.

I keep a copy of 'DEAR PADRE (Nov 20, 2005 issue)'. This is how Father Joseph Nolen, C.Ss.R. replied to Mira's question...
Dear Mira,
Put your mind at ease. A person who is not a Christian CAN go to heaven. I imagine we will see many more people than we think in heaven. Heaven is not just for Christians, but for everyone who loves God and responds to God's will in his or her life.
We know that God wants all people to be saved, not just Christians. Jesus began a church to help people achieve salvation. What I know as a Catholic is that God called me into the Church. It is there that I will work out my salvation. I do not know why there are some people who have never heard of Jesus or who do not have the faith to join the Church. I do know that God wants them in heaven just like God wants me in heaven.........
Personally, I do not know whether Father Joseph Nolen's view is the official position of the Catholic Church.

But I know God is kind, merciful and fair.

By my accepting Jesus, I am a child of God, and heir also, and fellow-heir with Christ. Roman8:17.

But others who did not accept Jesus, they are not children of God. But they still can be citizens of Heaven. (Sounds like heresy to some ?)

I am of the view that there is hope that the little children who died before knowing Christ could be in heaven also; and my non-Christian friends could be too.

What do you think ?


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