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Sunday, 27 September 2009

Learn About Euthanasia

Euthanasia is the deliberate, intentional termination of a person's life for the benefit of that person.

In general, enthanasia involves medical doctors making decisions which result in shortening a patient's life, and these decisions are based on the belief that the patient would be better off dead.

The Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland and the American state of Oregon are the only 4 jurisdiction in the world where laws specifically permit euthanasia or assisted suicide. In February 2008, Luxembourg became the 3rd European country to legalise euthanasia.

In 2002, the Netherlands became the 1st country to legalise euthanasia. According to the BBC, euthanasia now accounts for between 4,000 and 5,000 deaths a year in the country.

The practice is tightly regulated and it is estimated that doctors - the only people allowed to perform euthanasia - turn down 2/3 of requests.

Under the law, euthanasia will be administered only to patients who are in continuous, unbearable and incurable suffering. A 2nd opinion will be required, the patient must be judged to be of sound mind, and his or her request to die must be made voluntarily, independently and persistently.

Doctors carrying out enthanasia generally administer a lethal injection to their patients, and those assisting in suicide prescribe drug overdoses. Euthanasia is also allowed for babies with incurable conditions including severe spina bifida and a painful skin condition called epidermolysis bullosa.

Belgium also legalised euthanasia in 2002. Patients there must consciously make the demand and be under "constant and unbearable physical or psychological pain" resulting from an accident or incurable illness. 2 doctors must be involved, as well as a psychologist if the patient's competency is in doubt. The doctor and patient negotiate whether death is to be by lethal injection or prescribed overdose..

In the United States, Oregon is the 1st state to allow lethal prescriptions. Doctors can prescribe lethal drugs to help patients commit suicide but cannot administer them.

This is also the case of Switzerland - you have to be able to physically carry out that final act yourself.

What Euthanasia Is Not

There is no euthanasia unless the death is intentionally caused by what was done or not done. Thus, some medical actions that are often labelled "passive euthanasia" are not forms of euthanasia, since the intention to take life is lacking.

These acts include not commencing treatment that would not provide a benefit to the patient, withdrawing treatment that has been shown to be ineffective, too burdensome or is unwanted, as well as the giving of high doses of painkillers that may endanger life, when they have been shown to be necessary.

All these are part of good medical practice, endorsed by law, when they are properly carried out.

(Quote From Sunday Times 26 Oct 2008)

(Note: My personal opinion is against euthanasia.)

Thursday, 10 September 2009

The meaning of John 14:6 "I am The Way..."

Jesus said to Thomas, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me." John 14:6

I was puzzled by this verse for a long time. Now I understand.

Now you see, Jesus is always at the RIGHT hand of God the Father who sits on the Throne in Heaven. See Acts 7:56, Rev 4:2-3.

Now, on Judgement Day, Christians and non-Christians, Jews and Gentiles, will come before the Throne of Grace and face God Father with Jesus on His right.

Whatever is communicated to God Father, must first pass through Jesus!

So when a christian steps forward to face the Throne, Jesus immediately recognises him and may say "... I have already redeemed you by dying on the Cross for you. Welcome..."

So when a non-christian steps forward to face the Throne, Jesus may say " have not been saved by my redeeming grace. Now lets look at your conscience and what you have done and achieved..."

So everyone will pass 'through' Jesus who stands on the right of God Judge. Jesus is THE way, the ONLY way to reach God the Father on Judgement Day.

Paradox: God the Father, God the Son, are in Heaven. But they are here!

Jesus foretold His death, and told His disciples that He could not bring them along. He went back to Heaven to be with the Father. In Acts 7:56, Stephen said "Behold I see the heavens opened up and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God."

God the Father and God the Son are now in Heaven. They are not here on Earth.

However, go ahead and pray to the Father and the Son. They are omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent. They are here by your side and listening and answering your prayers. (This is a paradox - They are in Heaven, yet They are here.)

Before Jesus returned to Heaven, He promised to send the Holy Spirit. And yes, after a few weeks, at Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came in a spectacular manner, empowering the believers, changing them from discouraged people to mighty men and women.

So now, who is on Earth, and who is in Heaven ? Answer is obvious.

The Holy Spirit is here on Earth with us. He is our Helper. Pray in the Holy Spirit.