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Saturday, 11 September 2010

When you are wrong, you are wrong. Sincerity is nothing

Whenever I read the story of Job, I am always amazed by his mental strength. I can't imagine how he could continue to live when a series of 6 or 7 calamities were inflicted on him in quick succession. To cut the longsuffering short, a normal person would have given up living and committed suicide. (Job 1 and 2)

Job's 3 friends visited him in Job 2:11. What they saw was beyond them. They wept,they felt sorry, and felt Job's suffering. They could not speak for 7 days and 7 nights, searching how to response, and what to say.

Then they spoke, one at a time, and with their best intentions, wisdom and sincerity.

But even with all sincerity, they were not helpful at all. In fact, they came to the wrong conclusion that Job suffered because he was punished by God for being guilty of sin.

Sincerity is useless. When you do something wrong, or say something wrong, you are wrong. Your sincerity or best intention will not justify what you have done or said.

Read Job. It's a nice story.

Friday, 10 September 2010

Tips on Dementia (2)

Some people are worried that they are having Dementia as they are getting more and more forgetful.

Forgetfulness and Dementia or Alzheimer's Disease are different. As we grow old, we often forget where we place our keys, or our spectacles or the TV's remote control. That is not Dementia.

2 early signs of Dementia are:
a) The person keep asking the same thing over and over again, within a few minutes. For example: "Where did Ah Lian go this morning?" after 10 minutes, the same question is asked. After 30 minutes, the same question is asked again." The person did not 'forget'. He did not register the answer in the first place.

b) The person is not aware that he did something a moment ago. For example: "Did I take breakfast just now?" or "Did I go to the market this morning?" The person did not even remember an event/action which he took part in.

All my friend who read this blog are still 'young'. I trust that you are not having Dementia. I wrote all this for you to identify Dementia in other people.

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Tips on Dementia

Dementia, mainly due to Alzheimer's Disease, is becoming more and more common in Singapore.

The progression of this illness, from inception to end-stage,could take 5 to 7 years from the time a person is identified with the illness. At the end-stage, the sufferer cannot feed or take care of himself.

Here is a tip. Once identified that Dementia is on the way, let the sufferer drink using a drinking straw. Let drinking from straw become an insinct. At the end-stage, the sufferer could only do things by instinct. He will not be able to spoon food or drink from a cup on his own. If sucking up from a straw becomes an instinctive action, then at least he can still drink by instinct.

This will solve the problem of spoon-feeding or syringe-feed him whenever he needs to drink.

Monday, 6 September 2010

Final Fantasy - My novel (It's purely fictional!)

It was 4000 years BC.
God said "Let Us make man, in Our image...". And so there were Adam and Eve.
There were 2 special trees in the Garden of Eden. The Tree of knowledge of good and evil (KOGE), and the Tree of LIFE. Eve ate the fruit of the Tree of KOGE, and Adam ate too. Now they became like God, knowing good and evil.
God said "Lest Adam stretch out his hand, and take also from the Tree of LIFE, and eat, and live forever--".
So Adam and Eve were sent out of the Garden of Eden. God stationed the cherubim, and the flaming sword ... to guard the way to the Tree of LIFE. The Tree of LIFE remained in the Garden of Eden.

It was 3000 years AD. Even after 7000 years, the Tree of LIFE was still at the same spot in the Garden of Eden.
Scientists had,since 2010 AD with the help of GPS devices, re-located the locations of the Garden of Eden and the Tree of LIFE. However for 990 years, nobody could approach the Tree of LIFE because the flaming sword, with mysterious power, had repelled all human attempts to go near the Tree of LIFE.
Now one day, an evil force, called Anti-man, devised a super plan. With forces so powerful, the cherubim and the flaming sword were over-powered and just as the Anti-man was about to pluck the fruit from the Tree of LIFE, the heaven opened.

Jesus Christ returned in all His glory. It was the second coming...

(It's purely fictional --The Final Fantasy !!)

Sunday, 5 September 2010

The English Language is partly to be blamed for the confusion

Many of us are baffled by the idea that God is "Three In One". We are confused because our thoughts and thinking are set on the English Language platform.

You see, in English Language, you either have singular or plural. You either have one, or more than one. You don't have 'three-in-one'.
So do we write "God is..." or "God are..." ?? Do we write "God has..." or "God have..."??

God is 3 persons, 3 personalities. Yet, God is ONE. This concept is not acceptable if we think in terms of English Language. It is un-imaginable. It goes against the rule of the Language.

Yet, God is not confined to the way we think or the way we are trained to think. God is Three-In-One !

So when we need help, we have a Team of 3 to help us - not just Team of 1. Better right?