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Sunday, 23 February 2014

It is not possible to Forgive and Forget

The subject of forgiveness has been discussed and expounded for centuries.  In life we all experience pain caused by fellow beings.

During wars and genocides, atrocities were inflicted to the whole communities or on certain races.  That happened during the Second World War Auschwitz.  That happened in Cambodia during the Pol Pot regime.  That happened in Africa when one tribe exterminated another tribe.  The wounds would remain fresh in that one generation.  But after some generations, the pain is no longer personal.

I would talk about personal pain - the pain within ones lifetime.  It may be a case of grievous rape;  a case of desecrating what is more important than ones life;  a case seeing family members maimed, tortured and killed, right before ones eyes;  a case of wickedly destroying ones personal esteemed and dignity.  The pain would be there till the sufferer die.  Is forgive and forget possible??

Forgive is an act of the will.  It is possible to forgive.  In this world, there are many saintly sages who have the capacity to forgive.  We all know Nelson Mandela.  He was one.  I have the greatest respect for him.

It is not possible to forget.  The experience is embedded in our mind, our physical faculty, whether consciously or subconsciously.  When our brains deteriorate due to old age or Dementia or other illnesses, we may not remember anymore.  But that is not 'forget'. That is not remembering due to disability and illness.

Between the 2 extremes of not forgiving and perfect forgiveness, there is a range of possibilities:
a) I may forgive the wrongdoer but will not regard him as an acquaintance anymore. (I treat him as someone I do not know before.)
b) I may forgive the wrongdoer and do not want to have anything to do with him. (If he is trapped in a burning house, I will NOT try to save him.)
c) I may forgive the wrongdoer but do not want him to go to heaven with me.
d) I may forgive the wrongdoer and will love him as a friend. 
e) I may forgive the wrongdoer and I am prepared to sacrifice my own life for him one day...

So let us examine ourselves when we say we have forgiven someone.  Is it a), b)... or e)?

When Jesus Christ was dying on the cross, He asked God to "...forgive them;  for they do not know what they are doing...Luk23:34"  What forgiveness is that ???

That is Forgiveness in Agape Love.


Monday, 17 February 2014

Falsehood can become Truth

This article is from a Church Bulletin:

"We live in the age of relativism where people are attempting to blur the line between right and wrong.  Without 'right' and 'wrong' everything is relative.  Anything that is uncomfortable or inconvenient is 'rationalised' and explained away.  We all could be trapped in this feeling good culture - as long as something looks good and feels good, it is good! ...When we argue our point of view long enough and hard enough, it becomes 'truth' for us..."

Many people point out that this is the case with religion and spirituality. "Well if you think there is a God, and if you pray to that God, and if you believe in that God, and your a full of faith in that God, then, to you, it becomes 'true' that there is God, even though there is no such God!"  Your imagination becomes real!

But this argument cannot apply to Christianity.  This is because the Son of God, that is Jesus Christ, is real and physical.  The Apostle Thomas physically touched the resurrected Christ.  Many other people saw and heard the resurrected Christ at various times.  And many people saw the resurrected Christ leaving them physically and disappeared in a distance when He returned to Heaven.

So Jesus Christ is real.  1) He was dead.  2) He was risen.  3) And He promised to come again.

1) and 2) had taken place.  3) is going to take place.  This is the mystery of the Christian Faith.

Monday, 3 February 2014

Seek and you shall find

As I listen to this young man's testimony, it reminds me of my own journey in seeking God.  I was born in a traditional Chinese family and, while still a baby, my parents had asked the goddess Guan Yin to be my godmother.

As I grew up, I was confused about gods and deities.  I asked the true God to make Himself known to me. This man, Nabeel,  did that too.

His vision of hundreds of crosses and his dream of standing at the door reminded me of the conversion of apostle Paul.


God is there when you seek Him

This video seems to suggest that those who seek God will find Him - whether or not the seekers are in from another religion.