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Sunday, 31 August 2014

Epilogue to Taoism

My father passed away on 31 May 2014.  He chose for Taoist funeral rites.  Today marks the final rite -- the 100th-day Rite.

The Taoist priest performed the rite at PekSanTeng Columbarium in the morning. The priest told me that all procedural rites had been duly completed and all matters should now to re-set to normal.

Most likely, this was the last time I have anything to do with Taoist rites.  With both parents settled, I am the start of the new generation of God-fearing believers of Jesus Christ. 

I am now the pioneer who leads future generations to Jesus Christ.  Taoism could now be seen as a religion of the ancestors. The breakaway is now complete.

Jesus Christ shall be the one and only God whom I will worship.  He has resurrected from the death and He is alive.  He has been with me ever since I invited Him into my life, although sometimes He appeared to be very far away. 

For His dying on the cross for me, I will be faithful.

Saturday, 30 August 2014

Empty home and memories...

Both my parents had passed on.

It was painful to dispose what they had treasured in the last 60 years, 80 years.  Their beds, their mattresses, their tools, their cookery, their dressing table, their photograph albums, their favorite clothing.

However I did that.  I cleared out their favorite things which they treasured.  I need to face the fact that they had left.

What is left is their empty home; and my memories.

And over time, I know my memories will also fade.  But it would be a long long time.

Meanwhile I still pray for them.  That God will grant them His loving grace.  That in the new world, they would recognize Jesus Christ and dwell with Him in the Father's House (John 14:2).

God's lovingkindness and mercy is eternal. 

Sunday, 3 August 2014

Lessons from a 'slipped disc'

I have suffered from a 'slipped disc' for the last 3 weeks. I understand that my case is mild, because a serious case means I will be out-of-action for several months.

I am now about 95% healed.  It is easy to know whether it is healing -- I could tell from the degree of pain when I cough.  3 weeks ago, the pain was excruciating when I coughed.  Now it is only slightly painful.

I guess getting older means more prone to getting hurt physically.

This episode is also a timely reminder that health and wealth could disappear any moment.  If my slipped disc is more serious, I would be bedridden and require serious therapy.  If I fall and break my spine, I may not be able to walk again.  If I suffer from dengue fever, I may die within a few days...

Every few years, God allows me to go through a testing to remind myself that I have been richly blessed... and I should not take the blessings for granted.

I hope I do not need to be reminded again in future.  But if I have to be reminded, then I would gladly go through a bit of pain, for my own good.

I am grateful.  Thank you LORD.

(Tips: If when you cough, you feel a pain along your spine, then hold onto an overhead pole (such as a chin-up pole) before you cough.  This will relieve the pressure and the pain on your lower spine.)

Saturday, 2 August 2014

Faith and Fanaticism

Today's newspaper carried a very good article by Alan Mattingly of NY Times.  I like to add my comments.

The world can live with religions.  Religions can co-exist.  It's Fanaticism that is destroying the world.

However, in order to gain a foothold, all new religions, or split-offs of old religions, must be fanatical.

Same with Christianity.  Admittedly, the early Christians and Apostles were fanatics too.  They were saying "Time is short.  Christ is returning soon (during their lifetime).  Go tell the world and everybody the Good News."  Many Christians died and suffered for their zeal and fanaticism!

Today, August 2014, fanaticism is sprouting all over the world!  Muslims against Jews in the Holy Land. Buddhists against Muslims in Myanmar and Sri Lanka. Muslims against Muslims in Iraq and elsewhere.  Boko Haram in Nigeria, etc.

My view is that we are living in the world of 7 billion individuals.  7 billion differences.  If we do not moderate our beliefs, live and let live, we will be killing each other on Earth all the time.

Hence, in order to have peace while on Earth, we must accept differences in beliefs.  At the personal level, we could be most extreme in what we believe and do.  But at the social level, we must let others believe whatever spirituality they want.  There is a need to compromise at the social level.

Perhaps when we all leave this world some day, there will no longer be a need to compromise.  Then, we will know what is, and what is not, for sure.