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Sunday, 29 November 2015

How many people could view Jesus' 2nd Coming?

Acts 1:9-11 " ...After He had said these things, He was lifted up while they were looking on, and a cloud received Him out of sight. ...Man of Galilee, why do you stand looking into the sky?  This Jesus who has been taken up from you into heaven, will come in just the same way as you have watched Him go into heaven."

Really ?  Jesus will come again?  And will come like a Boeing airplane landing on the Airport?

Let's say, Jesus is as large as an airplane.  When an airplane approaches an airport for landing, how many people can see it?  Maybe 20,000, maybe 100,000, if these people are looking at that direction.

But let's say, there is a very very huge crowd near the airport.  Maybe a crowd of 10 million.

So only 10 million people can witness real-life the return of Christ appearing like an airplane from the sky and landing.

And the rest of the world can witness His return,real-time online via Twitter.

I think this is as wild a conjecture as anybody can think off.  Since the world is round, an object approaching to land from the sky can be seen by at most 10 million people only (stretch our imagination).

But please do not read the Bible and interpret it word for word.  Just understand the lessons it is trying to convey.

Sunday, 22 November 2015

City Harvest: A lesson in Forgiveness and Blessing

At last the episode is coming to an end.  The case of criminal misuse of church fund in City Harvest Church in Singapore had rocked the world.  The secular court had established that a crime had been committed and that the Senior Pastor and 5 other church executives involved had been sentenced to imprisonment.

I am not against City Harvest Church.  I know that no Church and no Christian is perfect.  Through the years, CHC must had sowed the seeds on many; and many must had accepted Christ through CHC.

I have been reading the Books of 1 Samuel and 2 Samuel this past week.  The stories and exploits of King Saul and King David never ceased to intrigue me whenever I read these books.  Both King Saul and King David were God's anointed kings, God's beloved.  Both were flagrant sinners, particularly after they became king. They sinned all the time.  Sometimes they acknowledged their sins, sometimes they did not even do so and continue sinning.

So did God forgive them?  Yes I believe God forgave them time and again.  But God's forgiveness does not mean God's continual blessings.  In fact, King Saul died a horrible death - he committed suicide in the battlefield, but unable to die even though he pierced himself, he asked an enemy soldier to do him a favor by chopping off his head.

When we are God's children, God will forgive us unconditionally.  But God is just.  When we sin against Him, and do not repent, how can a just God continue to bestow His blessings on us?

I have no doubt that when the Senior Pastor and the church executives cry to God, and acknowledge their sins, and sincerely repent, God will bless them many folds.  But if  they deny being guilty and not repent, they will not be blessed.

May God's will be done.