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Friday, 14 April 2017

What is Ninth Hour?

Today is Good Friday.  Every year during Good Friday, we read and re-read the account of Christ's passion, trials and crucifixion.

The pendulum clock was only invented 1656. During Christ's time, a 'day' began from sundown and end on the next sundown. A 'day' was divided into 4 watches and 12 hours.

First watch  --  Sundown to 9 pm
Second watch  --  9 pm to midnight
Third watch  --  midnight to 3 am
Fourth watch  --  3 am to sunrise
1st hour   --  sunrise to 8 am
2nd hour  --  8 am to 9 am
3rd hour  --  9 am to 10 am
4th hour  --  10 am to 11 am
5th hour --  11 am to 12 noon
6th hour --  12 noon to 1 pm
7th hour --  1 pm to 2 pm
8th hour --  2 pm to 3 pm
9th hour --  3 pm to 4 pm
10th hour  -- 4 pm to 5 pm
11th hour  --  5 pm to 6 pm
12th hour --  6 pm to Sundown

According to the Gospels, Jesus was crucified and finally died  at the 9th hour, which is between 3 to 4 pm, present clocktime.

But then, He rose again on the third day, and never die again.

Alleluia. Let us welcome Easter joyously.