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Saturday, 6 December 2008

Signing the Advance Medical Directive?

I am considering whether or not I should sign the AMD.

2 weeks ago, I visited an aunty who was on wheelchair. Her husband passed away about 7 months ago.

That afternoon, my aunty told me that her late husband's sister had passed away 5 months ago too. Besides, another of her late husband's brother had passed away 2 months ago. Another brother was now in hospital, feeding through a tube and breathing through a hole through the neck. In all, 3 members in that family died within 7 months and another going going soon.

Hospitals are now quite good in prolonging life. A seriously ill person can be forced fed and forced to continue breathing. Life expectancy is getting longer, medical cost is getting higher, and quality of life during the disability period, is getting worse.

All of us want a 'rectangular life'. If we were to die, we hope die quickly, in dignity, not prolonged and die off so slowly that someone has to care for us for years and years. Having a helper to change your diapers, wipe your ass, bathe you and at most trying moments lose their temper on you is most un-dignifying.

I believe that the best way to die is through a massive heart attack. Life is gone within 3 minutes, without prolong suffering. It would be good if heart attach or pneumonia is the top killer disease and not cancer.

Well, how will the AMD help? Does it mean that I am refusing artificial respiratory aids after I sign up AMD? Does it help me to die quickly when there is 'no hope'? Who would decide that there is 'no hope', and give permission to disconnect the life-supporting apparatus?

I will like to know more. Do you know more?

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