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Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Chi, the BioEnergy Part 2 of 3: Internal Elixir

In the last blog entry (below), I touched on the 2 approaches to health and longevity, i.e. External Elixir and Internal Elixir to cultivate 'chi'. I touched on one aspect of External Elixir, which is Diet.

Here I touch on one aspect of Internal Elixir, which is Exercise and Breathing.

Exercise refers to calithenics such as Qigong and Taichi which increases the 'chi' in the body. 'chi is also moved round different parts of the body to remove negativities or harmful elements.

Breathing refers to deep abdominal breathing and internal energy control. Deep breathing provides 2 major benefits. a) Deep breathing downloads beneficial negative ion energy from the air to the human body system. b) Deep breathing also 'massages or exercises' all the organs involved and boost blood circulation.

I shall not give instructions on how to do deep breathing in this blog. You can learn about this from videos on Youtube. Just go to Youtube, search for 'Qigong Breathing', and there are some good easy-to-learn breathing lessons free-of-charge.

For many years, I was wondering whether a serious Christian like myself should learn and practise Qigong or Yoga or Meditation exercises which are beneficial to health. I have concluded that these are 'good things', and are part of God's gift for humankind to promote good health. Just because these have been 'hijacked' by other religions and 'claimed' to be part of those religions, does not mean Christians have lost our right to these God-created gifts. Christians can use Qigong or Yoga exercises to promote good health too, as long as we avoid the spiritual elements associated with other religions.

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