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Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Christ's Second Coming -- Too many false alarm !

"In the days after that time of trouble the sun will grow dark, the moon will no longer shine, the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers in space will be driven from their courses. The Son of Man will appear, coming in the clouds with great power and glory. He will send the angels out to the four corners of the earth to gather God's chosen people from the end of the world to the other. ... In the same way, when you see these things happening, you will know that the time is near, ready to begin. Remember that all these things will happen before the people now living have all died." Mark 13:24-30.

Throughout history, too many people had claimed 'divine predictions' on the second coming of Christ.

The most famous of which is case of William Miller (1782-1849). (Wikipedia on William Miller, Seventh-Day Adventist Movement) Miller was born in 1782 in Pittsfield, Massachusetts and though coming from a Christian ome, he became a skeptic and rejected the Bible as divine revelation. However in 1816, he was converted from his skepticism and began to study the Bible intensively. Two years later, he came to the conclusion that the world would come to an end in 1843!

When the year came and the Lord did not return, there was intense disappointment among Miller and his followers. Samuel Snow, one of the leaders with Miller later came up with the conviction that the 2300 days in Daniel 8:14 will end on 22 Oct 1844. As 22 Oct approached, there was great excitement but Christ did not return on that day.

There were hundreds more predictions - all came to nothing.

As for me, I believe Christi's second coming will take place some time in the far far future. But it will not take place in my lifetime.

So I will not be physically present to welcome and to meet Christ in His Second Coming.
Most likely, I would be dead, cremated or buried by then.

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