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Wednesday, 1 February 2012

What did Paul say ???

Some people think Jesus had 12 Apostles. One, Judas, committed suicide, and so left eleven. Why did Paul called himself an Apostle then?

Paul claimed that he was also an Apostle as he met the Risen Christ on the road to Damascus.

Paul wrote almost half the 27 books in the New Testament.

Paul wrote with great erudition. He must be a learned person, a scholar, someone who had a flair for writing. I am very impressed by the way he expressed his thoughts.

In 1 Cor 1, he wrote: "The Jews ask for signs and Greeks search for wisdom; but we preach Christ's crucifixion. We did not preach or convince others through logical reasoning or our own experience. To those who are called by God, it is Christ's death on the cross that led them to believe, not sound reasoning or clever argument." (paraphrase is mine).

Believing in Jesus Christ starts with a calling from God. If you are not believing yet, you should ask God to start calling you. (Sounds like convoluted thinking right?)

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