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Sunday, 9 December 2012

God has Plan A, Plan B, Plan C ...(I think)

Jesus said to those around Him: 'Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place. Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words shall not pass away...' Matt 24:34.

I think the Apostles believed this literally. Paul and the other apoostles kept telling the early christians to watch out for Christ imminent return. Read Rev 1:3, Phil 1:10, etc, and you can feel the sense of urgency.

But 2000 years had come and gone, yet Christ has not returned. A bit puzzling right? People (including myself) started to ask whether Jesus made a mistake with the timing. The generation that was with Jesus Christ had all passed away, but 'these things' were not fulfilled yet.

I think God has Plan A, Plan B, Plan C, etc. If this is the situation, then adopt Plan A; if a different situation, then adopt Plan B, if yet another situation, then adopt Plan C !!! God can do contingency planning, right? After all, He is God!!

When Jesus spoke to the people in Matt 24:34, His plan was to return before that generation expired. But along the way, situation changed, so God adopted Plan B...He will come again much later.

Haha !! Photo From

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