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Saturday, 2 March 2013

See His Glory? Then acknowledge Him.

In my previous entry, I mentioned that I was reading this "JUST BE GOOD" Buddhist book.

Page 36. Question: "In Buddhism, why isn't there a belief in a supreme god that created the universe?"

Answer: "Buddhists tend to be fairly realistic in such matters and do not believe in creation myths such as the universe emerging from a cosmic egg, or created by an old man with a long white beard.  If anything we believe that the universe has always existed.  If it is said that an omnipotent being or 'intelligent designer' did create the universe, then it begs the obvious question of who then created or 'designed' that being?  And if that being has always existed, then isn't it more believeable that the universe has always been in existence instead?"

Personally, I am sad that some people could not acknowledge that the creator God exists.  Ever since I was a small child, when I look at the night sky, I would know in my heart that God exists.  Much later, when I was older and know how to read the Bible, Psalm 19:1 expresses what had always been in my heart  --  The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament shows His handiwork.

Look carefully.  And you can see God in His handiwork.  When you do, acknowledge God and God will lead you to Christ.

He did that to me, for me.

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