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Sunday, 24 November 2013

Right Interpretation or Misinterpretation depends on a comma

In Luke 23:43,  Jesus said to the Second-Thief as they were crucified at the same time:  "Truly I say to you, today you shall be with Me in Paradise."

Is the comma at the right place ??  Shouldn't it be "Truly I say to you today, you shall be with Me in Paradise."

So it depends on where the comma is.  Catholics interpret that after death, a person goes to purgatory, not to Paradise yet.   Mormons interpret that after death, you have to wait to be called out of the grave by a new name before reaching Paradise, not reaching Paradise immediately today. 

Others interpret that after death, you have to be go through a period of soul sleep, or some future resurrection, or some other forms of baptism, before reaching Paradise.

So it's up to you to place the comma.  Is it "comma today" or "today comma "

But why confuse yourself?

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