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Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Christmas Day Disasters

Today is Christmas day.  Merry Christmas.

I remember the Tsunami disaster on the day after Christmas in 2004.  Over 300,000 people perished when Tsunami, emanating from an earthquake, swept across the Indian Ocean that day.

Today, I read in the news that ice storms knocked out electric power to 370,000 homes in USA, and  also to few hundred homes in Canada.  For those of us not affected by such natural disasters, we could continue our celebration of Christmas.  But for those affected and sustained loss or injuries, what was there to celebrate??

But wait !!  Isn't it Christmas?  Isn't it a time to celebrate the birth of Christ and the Love of God?  Why did God not hold back all these so that His people can celebrate His presence joyously?

But now, look at the facts again: 
1) When Christ was asked, "Are You the Son of  God?"  Jesus answered, "Yes I am." (Luk 22:70)
2) When Pilate asked Jesus, "Are You the King of the Jews?"  Jesus answered, "It is as you say." (Luk 23:3)
3) Pilate asked Jesus, "...It was your own people and the chief priests who handed you over to me.  What have You done?" Jesus explained, "My kingdom does not belong to this world;  if My kingdom belonged to this world, my followers would fight to keep me from being handed over to the Jewish authorities.  No, My kingdom does not belong here!" (John 18:36)

So Christ had explained why bad things happened to Him and to us, even on Christmas day and Christmas season.  -- He is the Son of God, the King, not of this earthly world but of another world we are to go to.

Without doubt, disasters will occur in this world - even on Christmas day.

Still I wish you MERRY CHRISTMAS.

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