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Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Suffered yet blessed

My father has a cancerous growth in the pharynx (throat). It is getting more serious.  He could hardly swallow now. I am distraught.

In the last 2 weeks, news relating to the disappearance of Malaysia Airline flight MH370 while on route from Malaysia to Beijing hoard every news media.  The jet plane is now confirmed to have crashed somewhere in the Indian Ocean.  The death of the 239 people on board was one of the greatest tragedy in recent years.

As I feel the pain and suffering of my father's condition, I could also empathize and share the anguish of those related to the ill-fated passengers of flight MH370.

Having a religion, or believing in the Lord of Hosts, the God Almighty, does not mean that we are spared from pain and suffering.  In fact, believing in God almost certainly invite more trials and tribulation.

However, in Ps 84:12 the Psalmist says "How blessed is the man who trusts in Thee, O Lord of Hosts."

You could expect the Psalmist to have suffered much trials and tribulation too.  And yet he testified that he was blessed.  Could you accept his testimony?

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