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Saturday, 26 April 2014

3 Impossibilities After Death

Jacky passed away. 
His soul fluttered above his stiffening body for a while, and was then whisked into a big reception area, not unlike the Arrival Hall of a big international airport.

Just metres away from the entrance to this Arrival Hall To The Next Dimension were rows and rows of beings.  Representatives of all the earthly religions were there.  There were Christian Representatives and sub-Representatives.  There were Buddhist Representatives, Taoist Representatives, Muslim Representatives, Bahai Representatives,  Free-thinker Representatives, Agnostic Representatives, whatever religious ideology you could imagine, its Representatives were there.

Jacky's soul was shocked, confused and muddled.

"We are all here." the Representatives echoed. "Whom do you want to join?"

"I believe a bit of this religion and a bit of that religion.  I am not sure whom I should join now." Jacky replied.

"Well, it's up to you.  You think over it.  But don't make us wait too long."

This anecdote is purely fictional.  But it illustrates the 1st Impossibility after death.  How could all the religious ideologies continue in the Next Dimension ?

Stay tune to this blog for the 2nd and 3rd Impossibilities.

Behold I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him..." Rev 3:20

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