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Tuesday, 20 May 2014

No, a mother cannot be punished for a son's crime

Mother's Day had just been celebrated.  Father's Day will be celebrated in June.

There is this story about a mother and her son -- a loving mother and a not so good son.  One day the son committed a heinous crime, was caught, and was sentenced to 15 years jail by the court.  The mother was heartbroken.  She asked the judge whether she could bear the 15 years punishment for the son, so that the son could continue with his life of freedom.  "No, No, that can't be done.   Whoever commits the crime, whoever would be punished.  There is no substitute." the judge replied.

Well, it seems sensible that whoever sins, whoever should be punished.  It is logical that there is no substitute. 

When a person sins (now, we all sin), then 'the wages of sin is death' (which is eternal separation from God).  But fret not -- God has hatched a redemption plan.  God sent His only begotten Son to die for us sinners.  God use His Son's death to substitute for the death for sinners, so that sinners need not die.  This is substitutionary atonement.

I have been grappling with this issue for a long time.  Why in the real world, the mother cannot take the rap for the son, but in God's kingdom, this can be done through the person of Jesus Christ.

I have stopped confusing myself.  After all God is so big and infinite, that mere humans like me can only understand 5% or 1% of what He is.  I accept Christ's substitutionary atonement by faith.

After all, Christ has proven he could do it.  He is the only one who died and rose again.  No one else can ever do this.


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