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Sunday, 28 September 2014

Some Miracles of the Old Testament

1. The Multiplication of Languages (Babel) Gen 11:7-9
2.  Certain Sodomites Smitten With Blindness (Sodom) Gen 19:11
3.  Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah  Gen 19:24-25
4.  Lot's Wife Turned into a Pillar of Salt (Road from Sodom) Gen 19:26
5. The Burning Bush Not Consumed (Horeb) Ex: 3:2
6. Moses' Rod Transformed into a Serpent (Horeb) Ex 4:2-5
7. Moses' Hand Made Leprous and Healed (Horeb) Ex 4:6-7
8. The Ten Plagues (Egypt) Ex 7:12
9. The Pillar of Cloud by Day and of Fire by Night (near Egypt) Ex 13:20-22
10. The Red Sea Divided, and Returned to Its Channel (near Egypt) Ex 14:21-30
11. Water Brought from the Rock (Horeb and Meribah) Ex 17:5-7, 8-16
12. Aaron's Rod Buds, Blossoms and Dears Almonds (Kadesh) Num 17:1-13
13. The Jordan Divided (River of Jordan) Josh 3:14-17
14. The Walls of Jericho Fall (Jericho) Josh 6:6-20
15. The Sun and Moon Stand Still (Gibeon) Josh 10:12-13
16. Dagon and Many Philistines Fall Before the Ark (Ashdod) 1 Sam 5
17. The Chariot of Fire Takes Elijah to Heaven (Near Jordan) II Kings 2:11
18. The Waters of Jericho Made Fit to Drink (Jericho) II Kings 2:19-22
19. The Widow's Oil Multiplied (II Kings 4:1-7
20. The Sun Made to Go Back (Jerusalem) II Kings 20:9-11
21. Saved in the Fiery Furnace (Babylon Dan 3:19-27
22. Daniel Saved from Lions (Babylon Dan 6:16-23
23. Jonah in the Whale's Belly (Mediterranean) Jon 1:17
24. The Syrian Army Put to Flight (Samaria) II Kings 7:6-7

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