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Sunday, 18 January 2015

3 reasons why people refused to believe Christ: Part 1 - A Hardened Heart

3 reasons.  Here I give the first reason.

For those of us who had the opportunity to hear the gospel before, we may still refuse to accept Christ because of some difficult and painful experiences.

I once worked with a very intelligent lady.  She had been shared the story of the saving grace of Jesus Christ.  She did some reading on her own.  As usual she was a little doubtful, but was not against Christianity.

Just after she gave birth to a son, her husband died unexpected.  She was devastated.  She doubted the lovingkindness of God.  She told me "I will never become a Christian".

In Christianity, we cannot give a logical explanation to everything and every question.  We only accept that God is sovereign.  That does not mean that when someone dies, God is the one who 'cause his death'.   Death could be caused by humans, or by nature.  But in all cases, God allowed it to happen.

Recently an AirAsia plane crashed into the Java Sea and 162 people perished.  It was not an act of God.  It was an act of humans or an act of nature, although God allowed it to happen.

When some people suffered painful and difficult experiences, they asked God 'Why you allow this to happen to me?  I do not want to have anything to do with you."The bible says:
"Today if you hear His voice,
Do not harden your Heart."  (Ps 95:7, Hebs 4:7)

God is God.  God does not open the Red Sea or the River Nile for people to cross EVERYDAY.  It was under very special circumstances that God opened the Red Sea for the Israelites to cross under the leadership of Moses.

Similarly, God will not save EVERY crashing plane from crashing.  He may only do so under very special circumstances, which only He knows.

If you refuse to believe because you have suffered an ordeal, DO NOT HARDEN YOUR HEART.


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