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Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Law of Conscience, Law of Moses and the Saving Grace of Christ

Since my background is Chinese religion, I have many Buddhist friends.  Buddhists focus on doing good.

One day, all of us, Christians and non-Christians will stand before God, and God will judge us through Jesus Christ.  Why 'through Jesus Christ'?? Why can't non-Christians attend the judgment parade without Jesus Christ around?

Answer:- During the judgment parade, Jesus Christ will be in the picture because He is the Son of God.  He is seated at the right hand of God the Creator.  His duty is to present each of us to God for judgment. He is going to say "Father God, creator divine, I present Patrick Choe to you for judgment."

God judges us on 3 criteria.  For the Jews, the criterion (a) is the Law of  Moses.  For all non-Jews, the criterion is the (b) Law of Conscience - also-known-as "Law written in their hearts".  For all who believe in Christ, the criterion is the (c) saving grace of Christ.

A good Buddhist does good.  They serve the weak, the destitute.   They are generous with the poor and the hungry.  They are kind, avoid harming others, and do no evil.  They do their part to make the world a better place...They obey the Law of Conscience.

Would God judge them favorably on judgment day?  READ ROMANS CHAPTER 2 AND 3 to find out.  I personal believe God would.  But the chances is slim, very slim.  That is why God provided us with criterion (c).

By the way, today is Lunar New Year eve.  I wish you and your family a Blessed Lunar New Year.


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