All through the ages, humans instinctively know that they have a soul that lives on after the death of the physical body. Hence many have attempted to research and learn more about the subject of soul.
Like many people, I have always believed that I have a soul. Besides this, I know little, almost nothing. I do not know whether my soul will grow old like my physical body. Nor whether my soul, since it is a non-physical entity, know the past and the future.
When I googled, I came across an article supposedly written by Witness Lee, a disciple of Watchman Nee. It says the soul is of 3 parts, the mind, the will and the emotion. You can read more about this in
Recently I found another description of soul. Chinese tradition describes the soul as 3 entities ( 三魂七魄 ). It struck me that this is quite similar to what Witness Lee wrote, except that, instead of 3 parts, it is now 3 separate entities. Those of you who understand Chinese can read about it below. (The reference is at the end of the article.)
As for me, I am happy that, by dying on the cross and rising again on the third day, Jesus Christ has already promised my soul eternal peace. Thank God for the Blessed Assurance.