Nobody likes to be nagged at, especially children. "Don't keep telling me all the time to pack my bed or tidy the room."
God is majestic. He is King of the world. So I don't bother God with small insignificant things. I don't pray to God and ask him what time I should leave the house, what bus to take, or what brand of toothpaste to buy.
But, funny. The Bible seems to advise us to do the opposite. "Pray without ceasing... (1 Thess 5:17), it says. Pray without ceasing about what?? It must include praying for insignificant things as well.
The parable of the naggy woman (Luk 18:1-5) suggests that when God does not answer, nag Him. The judge gave in to the naggy woman because he reasoned that her nagging would wear him down.
And in Luk 11:5-8, Jesus taught another parable. Through persistency (repeat, insist, nag, nag, nag) a man was rewarded with the loaves of bread he wanted from his friend.
In both these parables, the trick was to continue to nag and irritate the other party until he gave in to the request. This applies to praying to God.
I find this prayer strategy, of nagging our Heavenly Father, disconcerting. But then, it is recommended in the Bible.