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Monday, 30 September 2019

Everyone did whatever he pleased

The last sentence in the Book of Judges summarized half the book, or even the whole book.

Judges chapter 14 to 16.  The story of Samson killing more people at his death than he killed during his life, was quite unbelievable.  (Really? Just by cracking 2 columns of a big building?)  But let's not interpret it literary.  Just glean the message of how Samson had failed God.

Judges chapter 17 to 21.  The episode of how Israelites went to war to wipe out one of her own tribe, the Benjaminites.  And then worried about the prospect that Israel would end up with eleven tribes instead of twelve, since the remaining Benjaminites had no women to procreate.  And how they devised a terrible plan of procuring women by war.

It was a total mess.  The conclusion:  "There was no king in Israel at that time. Everyone did whatever he pleased." Judges 21:25  As if, if there is a king, things could be much better.  LOL.

Now, look at the world today.  The trade war between US and China, the fire that burnt off the Amazon forest and the Indonesia forest and all the wild animals there.  The mess created by the protesters in Hong Kong, the miseries of climate change, the Brexit fury and hurt.  Basically the world is getting messier each day, and heading towards self-destruction.

But we have Kings and Presidents and Prime Ministers in the world in the present era.  Plenty of them.  Some even elected by the people themselves.

So may I add Judges 22 verse1:  "By and by, there were many kings and rulers, and they did whatever they pleased.  LOL.

Lets go back to the Lord.

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