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Sunday, 24 November 2019

We Forgive

It surprised me that when Jesus taught us to pray, He taught us to ask God to do 6 things (in blue below), but asked us to do only 2 things (in red below).  Lets  look at the Lord's Prayer. Matt 6:9-14.

Our Father who is in Heaven
We (and the angels) praise your name
You bring your kingdom come
You cause your will be done on Earth as in Heaven
You give us our daily bread please
You forgive us our sins as
We forgive those who sin against us
You lead us not into temptations
You deliver us from evil
For yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory
For ever and ever. Amen

It goes to show how important it is for us to forgive those who have hurt us.  Here, Jesus did not ask us to give to charity or be grateful or be obedient.  Forgiving others is utmost important.

In our lives, someone may have bullied us, maligned us, raped us, unjustly and unfairly fired us, disfigured us, hurt our ego and dignity, cheated us.  Jesus said "Forgive."  Do not be trapped in bitterness.

Praising our God, and forgiving our fellow humans, make us whole.

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