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Tuesday, 11 February 2020

Omnipresent but not there !!

God is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.  That's what we were taught. God is all-present, all-powerful and all-knowing.

But these 3 words are not found in the bible.

I believe God is such.  However, there is a slight twist to the interpretations of these 3 words. God is all-present, but sometimes He is not there.  God is all-powerful, but there are things that He could not do.  God is all-knowing, but there are things that He does not know beforehand.  I give you just a few examples:

God is all-present, but sometimes He is not there.  When hundreds of innocent people, praying people, were killed whether in a plane clash or in a tsunami or in an earthquake, most likely God was not there in that short moment.  Otherwise the all-loving God would have saved the innocent.  By the way, when Satan tempted Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit in the garden of Eden, God was not there too. (He later came and asked "Did you eat the fruit...?" Gen 3:8-11)

God is all-powerful, but there are things He could not do or do not want to do.  God cannot make Abraham Lincoln alive and be the President of America again.  God cannot change the past since past is passed.  God cannot, or do not want to, stop King Solomon from worshipping the idols worshipped by his wives and concubines (1 Kings 11:1-10).

God is all-knowing, but after giving men their free-will, He does not know when the hearts of men will change. God agreed to anoint Saul as King of Israel, considering that a good choice.  But Saul turned very bad and sinful.  God was sorry and regretted (1 Sam 15:35).  God did not know beforehand.

Yet, notwithstanding this new understanding of omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient,  our God is a real God.  He had sent His Son Jesus Christ to reconcile us with Him.  He is a loving God.  Thanks be to God.   (Zagreb / Croatia)

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