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Wednesday 25 January 2012

In moments like this, I need You, Lord

I am not sure whether this is too personal to be captured in my blog. But I shall write anyway.
My eldest sister has just been diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia. She is feeble, and the illness appears to be terminal with months remaining.

She is not prepared to died. In fact, she hopes to live for another several years. She is a non-christian. She does not have the assurance of salvation through Jesus Christ. She has little hope.
It is a trying time for her children, and us her siblings. None of us are rich enough to manage the cost of advanced medical treatment.

In moments like this, I could only pray for her. Lord have Mercy. Grant her a miraculous recovery. Touch her heart. Grant her your grace.
In moments like these, we ask God "Why she was inflicted?". "Why my family, Lord?"
In moments like this, we want God to be more real, to be nearer, to answer "Yes" to our prayers. Not "No" or "Maybe". We want God to take charge and grant us the miracle that we pray for. Not to let nature take its course.
In moments like this, Lord, You are Sovereign, have Mercy...