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Thursday, 8 July 2010

Does Your Conscience Guide You?

Sometimes we do things that our conscience tells us "No, don't do it! It's not right!"

What is this small voice within us? Is our conscience God's way of telling us right or wrong?

Answer: NO, if you are a non-believer. Conscience is not the voice of God. When a man takes revenge and kills the murderer of his wife or children, the man feels perfectly justified. His conscience is clear, and he is at peace. When a man commits adultery, he may feel perfectly fine as "all my friends are doing it too"! If you are a non-believer, your conscience is shaped by the environment. Tribal cannibals feel perfect and not wrong eating the flesh of those whom they killed - it's part of their society's practice.

But once you believe in God, and the Holy Spirit comes into your life, the answer is different...

Answer: YES, because conscience bears witness of God's promptings. Through our conscience, the Holy Spirit convicts us what is right and what is wrong. So when you tell a lie, the Holy Spirit will prompt "Ah-hah, that is not being truthful!" And when you queue up to buy 4-D on Saturday, your conscience says "Are you gambling? Is gambling right?"

In short, because of man's sin, our conscience is darkened and defiled. But thanks to the Holy Spirit, our conscience is gradually cleansed and purified. Increasingly, the standard of our conscience will be perfected (Matt5:48)

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