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Monday, 26 July 2010

Some insist there's God. Some insist there's no God !?!?!

The truth is, both are correct. To some, there's God. And to some, there's no God.

When you seek God, you will read about it, talk about it and think about it. "Seek and ye shall find..." God promised. In seeking, you will find God, know Him, and experience Him.

If you harden your heart against God, God will not resist. God will simply depart from you. You will not feel Him and experience Him. More and more, God is not there.

The atheists say there is no God. If they don't change their attitude and start seeking, then God will never come near them.
The agnostics say "Not sure, maybe there is God, maybe no God, but either way, nothing can be learnt about all these spiritual mumbo-jumbo. -- And so it will be.

As we grow older, I urge you to seek knowledge about the other dimension. In seeking, you will find.

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