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Sunday, 29 November 2015

How many people could view Jesus' 2nd Coming?

Acts 1:9-11 " ...After He had said these things, He was lifted up while they were looking on, and a cloud received Him out of sight. ...Man of Galilee, why do you stand looking into the sky?  This Jesus who has been taken up from you into heaven, will come in just the same way as you have watched Him go into heaven."

Really ?  Jesus will come again?  And will come like a Boeing airplane landing on the Airport?

Let's say, Jesus is as large as an airplane.  When an airplane approaches an airport for landing, how many people can see it?  Maybe 20,000, maybe 100,000, if these people are looking at that direction.

But let's say, there is a very very huge crowd near the airport.  Maybe a crowd of 10 million.

So only 10 million people can witness real-life the return of Christ appearing like an airplane from the sky and landing.

And the rest of the world can witness His return,real-time online via Twitter.

I think this is as wild a conjecture as anybody can think off.  Since the world is round, an object approaching to land from the sky can be seen by at most 10 million people only (stretch our imagination).

But please do not read the Bible and interpret it word for word.  Just understand the lessons it is trying to convey.

Sunday, 22 November 2015

City Harvest: A lesson in Forgiveness and Blessing

At last the episode is coming to an end.  The case of criminal misuse of church fund in City Harvest Church in Singapore had rocked the world.  The secular court had established that a crime had been committed and that the Senior Pastor and 5 other church executives involved had been sentenced to imprisonment.

I am not against City Harvest Church.  I know that no Church and no Christian is perfect.  Through the years, CHC must had sowed the seeds on many; and many must had accepted Christ through CHC.

I have been reading the Books of 1 Samuel and 2 Samuel this past week.  The stories and exploits of King Saul and King David never ceased to intrigue me whenever I read these books.  Both King Saul and King David were God's anointed kings, God's beloved.  Both were flagrant sinners, particularly after they became king. They sinned all the time.  Sometimes they acknowledged their sins, sometimes they did not even do so and continue sinning.

So did God forgive them?  Yes I believe God forgave them time and again.  But God's forgiveness does not mean God's continual blessings.  In fact, King Saul died a horrible death - he committed suicide in the battlefield, but unable to die even though he pierced himself, he asked an enemy soldier to do him a favor by chopping off his head.

When we are God's children, God will forgive us unconditionally.  But God is just.  When we sin against Him, and do not repent, how can a just God continue to bestow His blessings on us?

I have no doubt that when the Senior Pastor and the church executives cry to God, and acknowledge their sins, and sincerely repent, God will bless them many folds.  But if  they deny being guilty and not repent, they will not be blessed.

May God's will be done.   

Sunday, 11 October 2015

Platonic Relationship vs Sexual Relationship

In Gen 1:28, the objective of man-woman relationship is pro-creation, and in Gen 2:18, the objective is companionship and love.

The difference in man and woman status is largely similar in many civilizations.  Man is he-man, the fighter, the protector, the warrior, the samurai, the gladiator, the predominantly 'yang'.  Man is not the she-man.

The Chinese cosmic concept of yin-yang is easy to understand.  All individuals are a mix of yin and yang.  The male is predominantly yang, probably over 80% yang traits and less than 20% yin traits.  The female is probably over 80% yin and less and 20% yang.  But this yin-yang balance in male and female could change due to nurture and environmental factors.  For example, a female who needs to fight for her survival may soon develop 70% or 80% yang.  A male brought up in a feminine environment may nurture 70% or 80% yin.

As in all nature, there are always extremities.  There are yin-males who are born with 20% yang and 80% yin, and there are yang-females who are born with 20% yin and 80% yang.  Yin-males are born effeminate.  Yang-females are born manlike.  They are rare exceptions, making up 2% or 3% of the population.

However, if society allow these rare exceptions to promote themselves, and be accepted as the mainstream instead of the exceptions, then some normal people would be attracted to experience their lifestyle. The yin-male and yang-female group could grow to make up 50% of the population. 

I am fine with yin-man who are born effeminate in mannerism, or woman who are born with manly traits.

I am fine with man who are more comfortable relating to man, or woman who are more comfortable relating to woman.  Let this relationship remain platonic.

But I find it disagreeable when same-gender platonic relationship turns sexual.  That is disgusting and repulsive.

Friday, 2 October 2015

LKY - He 'Get Up and Cease to Exist'

I adore LKY.  He is my HERO.  He is a saint to me.

Remember his most famous quote?  "...even if you are GOING TO LOWER me into the grave...I will GET UP."  He could not have said this in jest.  This sentiment must be in him all the time.

In another of his quotes, he revealed his spiritual side: "...I wish...but I don't think I will.  I just CEASE TO EXIST..."

So he thought that WHEN HE'S GONE, HE CEASE TO EXIST.  Where is his soul? No soul.  Simply 'cease to exit'.  Cannot get up and do more for Singapore.  Can only get up while being lowered, but after being lowered, ceased to exist.

I always believe an excellent leader, an A+ leader, is probably 90% right, or even 95% right.  He is human, and no human can be 100% right 100% of the time.

I am very certain LKY was wrong this round.  He has a soul.  He could see his beloved wife again in the hereafter.  I wish them sweet re-union.

God bless this great leader.

Thursday, 24 September 2015

God is Omnipotent..but God is NOT Omnipotent

God is all-powerful and all-knowing.

But there are some things that God cannot do.  For example,

1) He cannot change the PAST.
2) He cannot make everyone HAPPY.
3) He cannot do bad things, because God is good.

So don't pray that God do these things.  These are beyond God.

The definition of omnipotent does not include these things.

Saturday, 15 August 2015

How did LKY come back for SG50 Parade?

a)  3 years ago, when my eldest sister passed away, I asked the undertaker "What happen now?" His reply was "Buddhism rite, so Buddha will come and guide her soul to heaven."

b)  15 months ago, when my father passed away, I asked the Taoist priest "Now what happen?" His reply was "His soul now travels through the various gates of hell, and you should do various rites to ease his journey as his soul embarks on the long and difficult journey."

c)  In time to come, when I pass away, Jesus had assured me that he had prepared a place in heaven for me to be forever.

Now what about LKY, a great man, who had passed away a few months ago?  He declared that he was a nominal Buddhist.  He was not a Christian or a Taoist.  He had done good, extremely good deeds during his lifetime, although he did hurt a few people while doing good to the rest of Singapore.

So during the SG50 Parade at the Padang, a seat was still reserved for him.  On the chair he was supposed to be seated, a sprig of yellow orchid said it all.

Did he managed to come back to enjoy the SG50 celebration on 9 August, with all the people he served during his lifetime?

A friend of mine commented that LKY was there at the celebration on 9 August. "He would surely make his way back to witness the Jubilee anniversary of the nation.  He was the father of the nation."

I think he was a great man during his lifetime.  Christian or non-Christian, God would have bestowed special reward to him who had done so much for Singapore.  Not biblical; just sensible thinking.

I think he was around during the SG50 celebration too.  Such a saintly guy, although not religious, could not be travelling in the gates of hell.

Sunday, 2 August 2015

What Religion is this ?

I wonder what religion is this.  Perhaps it is the religion that is deep in our hearts... Just joking !

Sunday, 26 July 2015

Catholics and Other Christians cannot partake Holy Communion Together

Catholics believe in "TRANSSUBSTANTIATION".  It's a puzzling new word to me.  Never seen the use of this word outside the Catholic Church.

Because of this belief, only baptized Catholics can partake the Holy Communion in Roman Catholic Churches.  Other Christians, who are baptized in other churches, even though baptized also in the same name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, but do NOT share the same belief of Holy Communion, are advised not to partake.

FR Don Kirchner, CSsR explained:

Catholics believe in transubstantiation.  In short, this means that the bread and wine change at a substantial level, but the accidents remain.  The bread becomes the body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ.  The wine becomes the body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ.  Christ is not divided.  So if someone receives just the host, he has received the fullness of Jesus Christ.  And if someone only drinks from the chalice, he also receives the fullness of Jesus Christ. (Note: The 'bread' has became the 'Host'.)

However, the accidents remain.  Accidents are anything that your physical senses could perceive.  This is in contrast to the substance that is what something really is.  So it looks like wine, and all the physical properties of wine -- including the alcohol content -- remain.  But it really is the body, blood, soul, and divinity of Jesus.

This is a profound mystery.  The Eucharist can only be understood by trusting in the words of our Savior.

Can Eat, but Cannot Kill

This is an article from my Buddhist friend. After reading, I am still confused.  However, I did learn something.

Why did the Buddha allow monks to eat meat?

The first and most important reason is that eating meat is not, in itself, considered blameworthy. The Buddha allowe...d monks to eat meat if they had not seen, heard or suspected that any living beings had been killed specifically to make the dish for them. In such a case, having made no direct contribution to the death of the creature, monks made no kamma by consuming its flesh. The Buddha neither forbade monks to practice vegetarianism, nor did he praise it. His teachings on food focused on the importance of eating easily digestible foods in moderation, rather than on advocating any particular diet.

A second consideration underlying the Buddha’s attitude to vegetarianism in the Sangha is the long-term welfare of the order itself. Monks are mendicants, dependent for all of their food needs on the generosity of householders: they are not allowed to grow, store or cook food; they may not pick fruit from trees. If the Sangha was to became restricted to areas in which it could rely on vegetarian donors, its influence for good in society would be unnecessarily limited. The spirit of mendicancy would also be betrayed if monks were to request particular foods from donors, rather than being grateful for whatever is offered to them in good faith.

There have always been monks who choose to be vegetarians. In the case where they are offered meat on almsround, these monks do not refuse to accept it. They express appreciation for the act of generosity, but pass the meat on to others.
- from Without and Within by Ajahn Jayasaro

"Karma adheres to acts of sovereign choice. It is true that a butcher will only kill animals for the sale of their meat only if there are consumers who will want to buy the meat. But in so doing the butcher is making a sovereign choice. There is no compulsion for the butcher to have become a butcher rather than say a baker or a candle-stick maker. If there were no persons willing to supply the meat trade, meat eaters would be compelled to do their own killing if they want to persist in their meat eating, thus incurring karmic responsibility." -Dr V. A. Gunasekara

Wrong livelihood according to the Buddha:
"Monks, these five trades ought not to be plied by a lay-disciple... Trade in weapons, trade in human beings, trade in flesh, trade in spirits [intoxicants] and trade in poison." — Gradual Sayings III, p. 153. (AN 5.177)

In the Amagandha Sutta, the Buddha recalled an incident in his previous life during the Buddha Kassapa's time. Buddha Kassapa was his teacher then. It was an occasion when an external sect ascetic met the Buddha Kassapa and reviled him for meat, which he said is a stench compared to eating vegetarian food.
Buddha Kassapa replied: "Killing ... wounding... stealing, lyng, deceivng... adultery; this is stench. Not the eating of meat.
... Those who are rude arrogant, backbiting, treacherous, unknd... miserly... this is stench. Not the eating of meat.
...Anger, pride, obstinancy, antagonism, deceit, envy, boasting... this is stench. Not the eating of meat.
... Those who are of bad morals, ... slanderous... pretentious... beng the vilest of men, commit such wrong things; this is stench. Not the eatng of meat..." - Sutta Nipata 2.2


Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Self-drive Holiday Trip to Melbourne/Tasmania (9)

Many of us know that Australia was the place the Great British Empire sent their convicts. Betwee1788 and 1868, approximately 162,000 convicts were transported to the various Australian 'jails' by the British government.

 Sunday was my final full day in Tasmania. Everybody said must visit Port Arthur. So I drove there. Along the way, I stopped to admire the fame coastal attractions too - the blowhole, the tessallated beach, the Tasman Arch, and the Devils Kitchen. All were interesting to me ! In the photos, I explained a little of these.

 Port Arthur was an 'open jail'. There were no barbed wire fences. However the inmates were shackled with welded iron, so they cannot run away too. The convict site was 100 acres, but I could only see about 10 acres before me. The prison area was closed in 1877 and the prisoners were transferred to other prisons in Hobart and elsewhere.

 Hey! why was I walking around an 18th century prison area ?? A bit eerie, a bit rundown and unreal, a bit sad. I should flew back to S'pore tomorrow, Monday.



Self-drive Holiday Trip to Melbourne/Tasmania (8)

It was Saturday. We drove to Hobart's Salamanca Market to see what it was. On the way, I snapped some photos of Hobart City. The Market had many stalls. It was crowded as expected since it was opened only on Saturdays.

 After visiting the Market, I drove South along the 'Huon Trail'. I intended to drive to the southern-most town of Southport. The maps said there was a place called Glen Hon where we can see Alpacas Farm. We first reached the town of Huonville and then detoured to Glen Hon. These are the pictures of the day.


Self-drive Holiday Trip to Melbourne/Tasmania (7)

The next day, we planned to drive down from Bicheno to Hobart. 180Km, towards south and west direction. Our first stop was Kates Berry Farm My wife bought many bottles of berry jams to give out to friends and ahjumahs back in Spore, so I was not 'paiseh' to scoop big spoons for free tasting. We drove to a Fruit Farm too, but no fruits in winter. We stopped for lunch and replenished our supply, passed more rolling hills and beaches before reaching an Airbnb house in Hobart suburb.


Self-drive Holiday Trip to Melbourne/Tasmania 28June to 6 July (6)

Since we saw penguin tracks in the morning, we went back from Freycinet to the beach house before dark to watch penguin parade. We sat on the beach sand quietly. It was 5 pm and the moon was already there. As it got darker, the silvery reflection from the moon got broader on the ocean floor. Our eyes got accustomed to the darkness. An hour passed. We could see penguins, silhouette only, playing on the water edge about 60 meters away. Then, some wagered quickly to the gr...ass patches a few feet away from where we sat. Once safely in their burrows, they chipped and called out loudly. What an experience!! We groped back to our house at 6.30 pm.

 When I looked out of the window at 8.30 pm, the clouds were gone. It was full moon. The fat band of silvery moonlight was reflected on the ocean floor. I looked out again at 10.30 pm. The full moon was high overhead, and whole ocean was basked in silvery moonlight. It was a calm and placid moon-lighted ocean. Nature's most beautiful moment. God's gift to human beings. An unforgettable night.


Self-drive Holiday Trip to Melbourne/Tasmania (5)

I was bored at Bicheno Wildlife Park since those animals could not be converted to food for lunch. We then drove 100 km south to Freycinet, another 'must-visit' site.

 We paid $24 per car entrance fee at the National Park. There were many mountain trails to lookouts, beaches and summits, but since we were rushing to go back before dark for an adventurous night, we chose to climb a short 2-hour trail.

 The weather was good. We trekked and trekked and were mesmerized by the beauty of Coles Bay and Wineglass Bay from the lookout points. Wineglass Bay was superlative in the afternoon sun. The Best is Yet to Come...


Self-drive Holiday Trip to Melbourne/Tasmania (4)

It was dark (5 pm) when I came down from Bay of Fires and reached the beach house. The next day was exploration time. The house was on a sheep padlock and 120 metres from the beach. Cozy and charming. Sure enough, we saw penguin tracks on the beach sand. We then took a short drive to the Bicheno Wildlife Park to feed Tasmania Devils, Kangaroos and carried wombats. The best is yet to come...


Self-drive Holiday Trip to Melbourne/Tasmania (3)

Leaving Launceston's Cataract Gorge, it was time for a long drive to Tasmania's East Coast. The map says there are lots of wonderful attractions there. The route was littered with small towns, but it was mostly through rolling hills with sheep and cattle (haha, I love both mutton and beef).

I reached St Helens town on the coast after 170 Km. Then I headed north 35 km to Binalong Bay and Bay of Fires. Bay of Fires is a famous pristine beach - no washed-up seaweeds on the powdery sand. I took the video below. Then drove south to stay for the night.

 The Best is Yet to Come...



Self-drive Holiday Trip to Melbourne/Tasmania (2)

From Melbourne, I flew to Tasmania Launceston Airport. It was foggy, and the plane had to circle the airport for an hour before it landed. I immediately collected my rental car, got a map and started driving. Brrrr it was mild winter and it was cold. After checked-in, I walked around the city streets, city park, shopped at Coles Supermart. Next day drove to the famed Cataract Gorge to enjoy nature. See my car and the Cataract Gorge.



Self-drive Holiday Trip to Melbourne/Tasmania (1)

While wandering along Melbourne's grid streets over 2 days, I chanced upon the largest Church in Australia -- St Patrick's Cathedral. Built between 1858 and 1939, it was enormous and majestic. Larger than St Mary's Cathedral in Sydney.

I managed to step inside to admire the atmosphere. I was blessed.


Tuesday, 7 July 2015

The Glory of Being Dead

I was at Port Arthur, the UNESCO Heritage site in Tasmania.  That was where the Mighty British Empire housed their vilest convicts in the 1800s. I read this poem on its walls.

Do not stand at my grave and weep
I am not there. I do not sleep.
I am now a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awaken in the morning's hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry;
I am not there. I did not die.
Death is something that we all need to confront one day.  There are many views on death.  There are views from wise men, views from different religions, views from those who claimed to have Near Death Experiences and had glimpsed the other side.
Mary Elizabeth Frye's view is glorious.  She almost implied that its good to be dead.  It is not a learnt view.  It's like wishful thinking.
But it is beautifully written.  It is eloquent and joyous.  It is something to look forward to face without fear.
I do not have as great expectations.  I simply wish that I could 'rest in peace' when the time comes.

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

The Earthquake at Mt Kinabalu and Karma

Mt Kinabalu is there.  When I was in secondary school 45 years ago, the scouts group loved to climb there.  Last week, an unexpected earthquake took placed.  10 people from a primary school in Singapore perished there.

When my children were in primary school, I felt very uncomfortable when they came home and asked for permission to go for overseas trips. 
"But you are still so little... it's too young for you to go... you can always go when you are older in secondary school..."  I would advise. 
"But this trip is organized by the school.   So it is very safe.  So and so is also going."  the child would retort.

Not to spoilt the parent-child relationship, I would usually reluctantly relent and let them go.  But I am never convinced that Singapore is SO SMALL that a 10-year old needs to take a plane and go overseas for learning experiences to fulfill learning objectives.

I have no problem with 15 years old going overseas.  10 to 12 years old is just too young.

I was an army instructor.  I taught new recruits 'Immediate Action'.  For example, when you hear the first shot from the enemy, you 'take cover', drop flat on the ground and crawl to something that can protect you.  When your rifle misfires, you do 'immediately action' to check the rifle and clear the blockage.  After a month or so of training, new recruits instinctive do 'Immediate Action'.

Young children do not have the instinct to do 'Immediate Action' when danger looms.  They are likely to be stunned and petrified for minutes, do not know how to react.  The instinct is not there yet.  As they grow older, their instinct to survival improves.

An earthquake or a tornado is an act of nature.  Many times in my blog, I have mentioned that God generally does not meddle with the acts of nature. 

But isn't God all-knowing, all-powerful, all-loving?  Yes. Isn't God the creator of all things, including nature?  Yes. Then why does God not do anything to stop nature from releasing its fury and take hundreds of innocent lives??

I like the answer to THIS question, as given by Pope Francis: "One can only raise one's eyes up to heaven and look for answers that can't be found."  This is still a Christian mystery.

However if you subscribe to the Karmaric teachings, then there is an answer.  In fact, Karma can explain almost everything.  Innocent lives are lost because of Karma.

Regardless, God is always there to offer love and comfort, to the dead, the living, the sick, the hurt and the anguish.  God have mercy.

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Lessons from Illegal Immigrants - it doubles in 25 years

This week, the newspapers were full of news about illegal immigrants.  Boatloads from countries torn by fighting were heading across the Mediterranean Sea to EU.  Boatloads from Myanmar were heading for Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia.  It's called human trafficking or human smuggling.  Many immigrants died at sea.

Lets say 4 immigrants settled in an island of Malaysia. 
Assume a couple produces 4 children in the next generation. 
The average age of reproduction is 25 years, hence 1 generation is 25 years. 
The average lifespan is 75 years.

generation 1  now     4 immigrants  = 4
gen 2        25 yrs    4+4+4 = (4 x 3)  = 12
gen 3      50 yrs    4+4+4+4+4+4+4  = (4 x 7) = 28
gen 4      75 yrs    4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4 = (4 x 15) = 60
gen 5     100yrs    4+4 +4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+.. = (4 x 31) - (4x1) for demise of gen1=120
gen 6     125 yrs ....4+4+..... = (4x63) - (4x3) for demise of gen1 and gen2 = 240

So from 4, the number increases to 120 and then 239 after 125 years.  Roughly, the number doubles every generation.  So if there are 500,000, the next 25 years will be 1 million !!!

(My mathematics is no good.  Could a better person derive a mathematical formula?)

Now what would happen if Malaysia takes in 10 boatloads of 3000 immigrants from Myanmar ?

Monday, 13 April 2015

DESIDERATA - 'Placid' but don't sit back...


Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and ignorant; they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.

Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals;
and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Be yourself.
Especially, do not feign affection.
Neither be critical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself.

You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be,
and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.
With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy.

© Max Ehrmann 1927
When I was in secondary school, my friends and I loved this song, especially the chorus.

But as time went by, and we all grew up, and entered the competitive working world, we could not even follow the first 2 words -- 'Go Placidly'.  Perhaps the writer lived very long ago when life was less materialistic and a slower pace was the norm.  In modern Singapore, life is a rush from the moment we wake up in the morning; and worrying about bills bills bills, plus how to please the boss and demanding customers.

So in today's context, the content of Desiderata is only partially correct.

What is Correct:

Therefore be at peace with God.
Whatever your religious persuasion, be at peace with your God or gods.  He (or they) nourishes your soul.  He is there for you and listens to you when you talk to Him.  While you labour to meet you physical needs, He is there to meet your spiritual needs.  Meeting both physical needs and spiritual needs makes you whole.

What is Not Correct:

You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.

We are children of God, placed in the Universe. (So sad if you do not believe in God the Creator - you missed the experience of spiritual love.)  God is the potter, we are the clay.  God is the creator, we are the created.  Being created, we have no rights.  Who we are, and whatever we have, is a privilege not a right.

Neither be critical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass.
Today, there are many places on earth where love is not 'perennial as the grass'.  You see it in the news almost everyday.  Many are living in hellish circumstances.  People are dying in Yemen because of  senseless terrorist attacks. Gunmen simply went to a school and shot dead 150 students. Women died in childbirth because there was no aid or medical aid, or selfless medical workers were brutally killed.  To many who were unfortunate, it's more than aridity and disenchantment.  The reality is that 'love' never reached them. To many, it was not 'a beautiful world'..

Today, the world needs to resolutely fight for peace.  Can there be 'placidity' when brutal killings and massacres are facing humankind everyday?

The truth is, the world is no longer placid.  At the individual level, you can be placid for only a brief moment, but not for long.  Do not languish in placidity.  Do our part. Do something real to make a better world.

Sunday, 12 April 2015

If you hear His voice, Do not harden your heart.

As thinking persons, we do not always believe what other people tell us. After Jesus rose from the dead on the third day, Thomas declared that "Unless I see Jesus with my own eyes, and feel his side, I will not believe (John 20:25 paraphrased)."  8 days later, Jesus appeared physically before Thomas, and Thomas believed.

Then Jesus appeared physically before hundreds on several occasions.  And many believed.

But there were still some who saw the risen Christ and still did not believe.  These unbelievers even stoned Stephen to death, and persecuted other believers.

No matter what, even if Jesus were to appear to us physically today, some among us will not believe.

If we refuse to believe because of doubts about God, God will in His own time, resolve our doubts. 

But if we refuse to believe not because of doubts, but because of our stubbornness, then God has only one advice...


King Nebuchadnezzar also believed in God

After Daniel interpreted a dream for King Nebu, this was what he said... (Dan 2:47)

"The King answered Daniel and said 'Surely your God is a God of gods and a Lord of Kings and a revealer of mysteries, since you have been able to reveal this mystery.'"

However, after some time, King Nebu made an image of gold, 60 cubits tall and 6 cubits wide, and ordered everyone to fall down and worship it. Whoever failed to do so would be thrown into a furnace and burnt alive.

After some more time, King Nebu again praised the God of Daniel.  Dan 4:2, he said "It seemed good to me to declare the signs and wonders which the Most High God has done for me. 'How great are His signs.  And how mighty are His wonders!  His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom. And His dominion is from generation to generation.'"

You see, King Nebu was a 'typical' believer of God.  Sometime he believed, sometimes he turned to other gods, and sometimes he came back to believe God again.

Are we not the same as King Nebu?? We believe in God, we also believe in other gods like fame, fortune, wealth and honor.  In one season, our allegiance is to God.  In other seasons, our allegiance to other gods.  And then we turn to God again.

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Law of Conscience, Law of Moses and the Saving Grace of Christ

Since my background is Chinese religion, I have many Buddhist friends.  Buddhists focus on doing good.

One day, all of us, Christians and non-Christians will stand before God, and God will judge us through Jesus Christ.  Why 'through Jesus Christ'?? Why can't non-Christians attend the judgment parade without Jesus Christ around?

Answer:- During the judgment parade, Jesus Christ will be in the picture because He is the Son of God.  He is seated at the right hand of God the Creator.  His duty is to present each of us to God for judgment. He is going to say "Father God, creator divine, I present Patrick Choe to you for judgment."

God judges us on 3 criteria.  For the Jews, the criterion (a) is the Law of  Moses.  For all non-Jews, the criterion is the (b) Law of Conscience - also-known-as "Law written in their hearts".  For all who believe in Christ, the criterion is the (c) saving grace of Christ.

A good Buddhist does good.  They serve the weak, the destitute.   They are generous with the poor and the hungry.  They are kind, avoid harming others, and do no evil.  They do their part to make the world a better place...They obey the Law of Conscience.

Would God judge them favorably on judgment day?  READ ROMANS CHAPTER 2 AND 3 to find out.  I personal believe God would.  But the chances is slim, very slim.  That is why God provided us with criterion (c).

By the way, today is Lunar New Year eve.  I wish you and your family a Blessed Lunar New Year.


Friday, 23 January 2015

3 reasons why people refused to believe Christ: Part 2 - An Unconvinced Mind

Many many years ago, I was enrolled in Primary 1 in an Anglican mission school.  Most of my classmates then did not come from Christian homes.  By the time we left school after 12 years, some of us were converted to Christianity.  After another 30 years, more than half of those non-believers were converted.

The seeds that were sowed in school took time to germinate.  Some took longer, some were faster.  Some remind doubtful and unconvinced in their mind, and that cause hesitation in their heart.

Christianity is a religion that does not provide answers to all questions, particularly difficult questions.  Christianity is based on faith in Jesus Christ.  If all faith's questions have logical answers, then only logic is needed, faith is not necessary. ('Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.')

By the way, I have been reading about other oriental religions.  I found that they are able to provide much more enlightenment to human doubts.  For example, the concept of Karma could explain the cause-and-effect of human sufferings very logically.

The Bible asserts the sovereignty of God.  It does not offer answers to many things, particularly why some prayers were answered, and some were not.  God's simple reply to all perplexing issues confronting humankind is: "For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Neither are your ways My ways. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts." (Is 55:8,9)

If we want to wait till all our questions are answered before we believe in God, the time will never come.  Only the Holy Spirit can open our hearts to God.  Intellectual conviction will never bring us to Christ - because we will never fully understand the higher thoughts of God.

In life, many things require faith, including bungee jumping and travelling on a jet plane.  May the Holy Spirit grant us His grace to accept God's infinite love by faith.