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Thursday, 17 May 2007

Is There Another Way of Communicating With God ?

We all know about atoms and molecules. According to physicist Radall J. Fisk, there is a new type of elementary particles that were discovered about 60 years ago. It is called neutrino. This elementary particle can past through the Earth, that is go in via the North Pole and come out from the South Pole.

I have not investigated or read much about neutrino. However in eastern mystic, many many people had already know something known as wai-qi or cosmic energy, which purportedly can pass through wall or solid of any thickness. 'Qi' is breath in Chinese. 'Wai-qi' is external breath literally. Some people even claimed that they can see Wai-qi in the atmosphere. (see this website ).

I am not sure whether there are any scientific measuring instruments today that can measure and record neutrino or wai-qi. However some practitioners can harness wai-qi to improve their health and to heal illnesses. When they absorb wai-qi, their bodies are filled with wai-qi, their faces turned red and their hands are radiating with heat.

I was wondering whether wai-qi is same as, or similar to neutrino. Or both have something in common.

Human beings are still discovering some of the things that God had created from the very beginning. Electricity and magnetic field, which are invisible, were only discovered and acknowledged a few hundred years ago. Now there are neutrino and wai-qi. Perhaps in 50 years time, we will be able to measure wai-qi, just as we can measure magnetic strength using magnetic field meters today.

Today, we communicate with the Almighty God in prayer. God hears and receives our prayers.

Today, we communicate with God our Lord with our intentions too. We may not be praying, but we go to God with our silent intentions, being assured that God knows the intentions of our heart.

Perhaps wai-qi is another invisible communication channel with God. These unseen particles that fill the universe, exist even in vacuum, and fill the outer space, may be message channels where we can reach God.

Neutrino or wai-qi are part of God's creation since God created all things. So let us not let non-christian practices such as eastern or buddhist practices 'hijack' this gift of God from us. Wai-qi belongs to Christians too.

Appreciate your comments.

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