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Thursday, 6 March 2008

Slain in the Spirit

I just learnt that when someone falls backward during a christian healing service, healing mass, or prayer service, this is known as 'slain in the spirit'.

As far as I know, this phenomenon occurs often, and not restricted to any christian denomination. It happens in catholic, methodist, anglican, pentecostal and most other denominations.

Does this mean that God would manifested Himself, regardless of christian denominations?

I wonder whether the same phenomenon occurs in other religions, such as Islam, too.

Below is the text from wikipedia:

Slain in the Spirit -

Being slain in the Spirit is a term related to the Charismatic movement and Pentecostalism which describes a religious phenomenon in which a person enters a state with loss of all motor control over their body and falls to the floor during an event perceived as a personal encounter with God's glory power, usually associated with occasions of public prayer ministry when the laying on of hands is practiced.
Being slain in the Spirit occurs in many contemporary Charismatic or Pentecostal church meetings. It was also extremely common in early American (late eighteenth-century) Methodism, particularly at camp meetings and love feasts. Many refer to the phenomenon as "falling under the Spirit's power", "falling before the Lord" or "resting in the Spirit".
On occasions of public prayer ministry when the laying on of hands is practiced, church members or attendees come forward to the front of the church to receive a special work of the Holy Spirit from the Pastor or service leader. Often a significant amount of time is spent singing and praying during the church service before this point. Attendees are then prayed over and touched by the service leader, they perceive the Spirit of God upon them, and they fall, usually onto their backs. In most cases, their fall is broken by deacons, catchers, ushers or orderlies behind them to prevent injury.
Many Christians who experience this believe that they have been healed or given a special blessing by God. Others report seeing visions or hearing God's voice although some Christians claim that these experiences have ceased with the death of the apostles.
Whether voluntary or involuntary, "falling before the Lord" as a human response to the manifestation of the Holy Spirit is seen by many Pentecostals and Charismatics as a phenomenon that is in harmony with the Scriptures. In the Bible, falling while in the presence of God was at times also accompanied by manifestations of trembling, physical weakness and deep sleep.

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