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Tuesday, 5 August 2008

Heart Versus Mind

In my blog entry dated 5 Mar 08, I wrote about "slain in the spirit". I mentioned that these manifestations occur in churches of different denominations.

As christians and muslims are supposed to be worshipping the same God, I posed a question in an "Ask the Expert website" whether such manifestations occur in muslim communities as well. The "Expert Website" replied that muslims do not experience speaking in tongues or 'slain in the spirit'.

So why speaking in tongues, and 'slain in the spirit' take place in the different christian denominations? I believe it is a sign of God's acceptance, inspite of all the differences in teachings, precepts, practices and dogmas of the different christian denominations.

No denominations can claim that all their teachings and beliefs are accurate. And that the conflicting teachings of other denominations must be wrong.

There is only 1 condition to be a child of God and that is 'Whoever believes in Jesus Christ should not perish, but have eternal life" John 3:16. So fulfilling this one condition, and then not committing the Unpardonable Sin (see blog entry below), should be enough for us to be accepted into God's kingdom.

Apart from these 2 requirements, we may be misled by deviant teachings, we may advertently or inadvertently believe in cultist heresies, or even committed abominable sins. But we are still saved by the redeeming blood of Christ! How generous is God's grace!

So, in our relationship with God, the knowledge in our brain is secondary. Knowing the differences between right and wrong teachings, and differentiating what are heresies or wrong concepts, are not that important.

What lies in our heart is of primary importance. Faith and love is a matter of the heart. We seek God with our hearts. God looks in our heart for sincerity. We feel God's grace in our hearts.

Use our hearts more.

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