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Friday 11 September 2020

Why So Many Gods?

 Mycenae was a location in Greece.  In fact, it was the location of the first Greeks. That was about 3000 BC.

The civilization in Mycenae was so religious.  They worshipped whom they thought were powerful, or fearful, or mysterious. They worshipped:-

ZEUS, the king of the gods.

POSEIDON, the god of the sea.

ATHENA, the goddess of wisdom.

APOLLO also known as PAIAN, the god of light, healing, music, and poetry.

HERMES, the messenger of gods.

ARTEMIS, the goddess of hunting.

HERA, Zeus' consort.

MAKA, the goddess associated with animals.

POTNIA, the goddess associated with agriculture.

DEMETER and PERSEPHONE, goddesses of food, grain and agriculture.

Wow, where did all these gods and goddesses come from!  The ancient Greeks had so many gods to serve! 

Abraham who served only ONE God, would have rolled his eyes in disbelief!


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